Gluten Free food is most easily found in health food stores. There is one store in particular I shall be reviewing today it is called....WHOLE FOODS!
Whole Foods has its own special brand of gluten free goodies.
Their cookies and pies are still extremely delicious and sugary :) The Whole Foods brand of GF baked goods include cherry pies, molasses cookies, cupcakes, and name a few. Personally I highly recommend their molasses cookies along with their cherry pie. (Lovin' it!)
Note: The Whole Foods Gluten Free Bakery actually has a testing lab AT their bakery. Samples of each finished product are tested for gluten.
Now the cookies and desserts are simply smashing but what about lunch and dinner? Each Whole Foods store differs slightly but on a whole (ha ha pun!) all their store locations have both a salad and a hot deli bar. Naturally the moment I hear Hot Deli Bar, images of pizzas, sandwiches, pastas, noodles, and chicken roast enter my mind. Whole Foods is a bit of a disappointment in this catagory however. In all the store locations I've visited, (mainly in the Seattle area) Whole Foods gluten free deli options simply were not up to par. In some store locations they serve gluten free pizza and paninis. (Paninis are fresh grilled sandwiches). I wouldn't put all your eggs in one basket however. Oftentimes Whole Foods is out of their gluten free pizzas, or they simply are not on the menu for the day. Whenever this happens to me I feel like boycotting Whole Foods. Of course I come running back as soon as their gluten free pizza is back in stock. I give their GF pizza four stars.
Another factor to consider when visiting whole foods is the customer service. My family has found that in all the stores we've visited (several in Seattle and another in Maui) the deli customer service folks were sub-par on their knowledge of gluten free foods. They were not well informed of how to avoid cross contamination. And they did not always know whether or not their deli items were gluten free.
Rest assured however, that whichever Whole Foods store you choose to visit, at the very least there will be a large salad bar to eat from.
Check out their website to see if there is a Whole Foods Store near you.